Get a List of 1909 Companies using FreshBooks as their Accounting Software

Utilizing web crawler tools, we've pinpointed 1909 businesses employing FreshBooks for their accounting needs. If you're looking for a comprehensive overview of this market segment, our compiled list, available in an Excel format, may serve your B2B analytical and outreach purposes.

List Price: $60 (exclusive of tax)
List Size: 1909 Contacts*

*A contact is defined as a company's website that very likely uses the specified software

Target Countries of FreshBooks Clients

We have thoroughly analyzed our dataset to discern the primary target markets of FreshBooks' clients. This has been achieved by examining the content on the clients' websites and leveraging sophisticated Natural Language Processing models to ascertain the specific market segments each client targets.

Once you purchase the file, you will find this classification included.

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You can use the file however you like. Integrate it into your outreach process for emails, cold calling, or physical mail.

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Sample of 5 Companies using
FreshBooks as their Accounting software

This is a sample list of 5 companies potentially using FreshBooks.
The final Excel file will contain much more data with info we were able to extract from the companies' websites.

Request this list today for only 60$

We don't sell this data immediately to prevent misuse and automatic downloads.
You can request it here, and we will send you a link to pay and download your file within 12 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get this data from?

We gather this data automatically from various public sources.

Can I collect such a list myself?

Certainly, you can. However, scanning millions of domains requires a lot of time and can be expensive.

Are these lists similar to what other providers offer?

Several providers offer similar data. What sets us apart is our affordable and straightforward pricing. Additionally, we enhance the data to deliver maximum value in the simplest way possible.

Do you have a refund policy?

We do not offer a refund policy because it could lead to misuse. Once you've received a list from us, it's yours, and we cannot ensure that it would be deleted in the event of a refund.

How do you enrich the data?

Behind the scenes, we utilize web crawlers and large language models to structure the data.

Will I receive updates for free?

At present, if you want an updated version, you'll need to purchase the list again. In the future, we plan to introduce a model where updates will be included.

I don't want my  business to appear in your list

We respect your preferences and provide multiple solutions to address this:
Request for Removal: You can submit a request on our specified page to have your business removed from our list. Please follow the instructions there, and we'll process your request in a timely manner.
Block Our Crawler: If you'd like to prevent our crawler from accessing your site in the future, you can block it. This ensures your site's content won't be indexed or displayed in our future listings.

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