Interested in Leads for specific Software Providers?

We have access to data from millions of B2B businesses worldwide. Additionally, our database includes details on hundreds of thousands of software providers.
Monthly updates of data
Worldwide B2B businesses
Quick response times
If we are able to identify the specific data you've requested and we notice increased demand for it, you'll only be charged the standard rate. Our aim is to provide value and fairness to all our users, and your satisfaction is our top priority.

Request a specific Leadlist

Need more Info about the Businesses in our Lists?

We offer custom enrichments tailored to your needs. Whether you're aiming to connect with key decision-makers in businesses or seeking specific insights, we've got you covered. Plus, our standardized processes ensure a rapid turnaround time, so you can get the data you need quickly and efficiently.


Please note that we don't have phone support at the moment. If you have questions or concerns, leave us a message and indicate if you'd like a callback. We'll do our best to respond promptly.


Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm CET
Sunday / Sunday: Closed

General Contact

Mail is a project owned by:

above the fold GmbH
Hochgrütstrasse 16
8472 Seuzach (Switzerland)

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you get this data from?

We gather this data automatically from various public sources.

Can I collect such a list myself?

Certainly, you can. However, scanning millions of domains requires a lot of time and can be expensive.

Are these lists similar to what other providers offer?

Several providers offer similar data. What sets us apart is our affordable and straightforward pricing. Additionally, we enhance the data to deliver maximum value in the simplest way possible.

Do you have a refund policy?

We do not offer a refund policy because it could lead to misuse. Once you've received a list from us, it's yours, and we cannot ensure that it would be deleted in the event of a refund.

How do you enrich the data?

Behind the scenes, we utilize web crawlers and large language models to structure the data.

Will I receive updates for free?

At present, if you want an updated version, you'll need to purchase the list again. In the future, we plan to introduce a model where updates will be included.

I don't want my  business to appear in your list

We respect your preferences and provide multiple solutions to address this:
Request for Removal: You can submit a request on our specified page to have your business removed from our list. Please follow the instructions there, and we'll process your request in a timely manner.
Block Our Crawler: If you'd like to prevent our crawler from accessing your site in the future, you can block it. This ensures your site's content won't be indexed or displayed in our future listings.

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